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KiyPhi t1_j1kpil3 wrote

>First, dismissing someone’s auditory perception in a hobby that is literally all about auditory perception is pretty silly.

I didn't dismiss it. If you read further down, I explicitly say I believe they hear what they think, I just don't agree with what they think their reason for it is.

>But second, higher powered amps make a huge difference to demanding headphones.

Any two amps that are not super flawed that are able to produce a set voltage without audible distortion, noise, or clipping, will be the same. Having more to turn on the volume knob remaining doesn't increase the sound quality. Why would it?

>Amps that don’t have enough power just can’t keep up with high current demands — bass doesn’t decay right, very dynamic passages sound congested, and yeah, you can’t get as loud.

Not being able to keep up with current demands but being able to keep up with voltage results in clipping. I have addressed that below.

>Honestly if you can’t tell the difference between a powerful amp and a run-of-the-mill chifi while driving a demanding headphone, I’m not sure what you’re doing even commenting on gear

Not being an elitist to others, that's what. I literally made a meme about people with your attitude and it was one of my most upvoted things.

Nothing in your post explains why it would make it sound better, it only shows that you need to look into how amps work.


[deleted] t1_j1kq12w wrote



KiyPhi t1_j1kqmoz wrote

>How about this: there is audible distortion when an amp is being asked to drive a load beyond its ability. There are headphones that are beyond the ability of many amps. You will not see this on a sine wave sweep, but it’s clear as day with a real input signal.

But you literally do see this with a sine sweep? Though they tend to pick one signal and increase the power of that signal until it clips.

Do you understand how testing for max power before clipping works? If not, I can probably find a resource for you to learn. The way headphone amps are tested is pretty cool.

The amount of power a headphone amp outputs before this is what results in how loud it can drive a headphone. All of what you are talking about is already taken into account when I talk about two amps being set to a specific voltage output. It was what I was referring to when I said the advantage is loudness but I don't listen that loud. A JDS Atom can handle ~7v before clipping, maybe a little more if you allow for 1% distortion. That is 104dB on the HE-6. I don't listen that loud ever.


[deleted] t1_j1ksd5d wrote



KiyPhi t1_j1ksku9 wrote

My part of the post where I stated that you'd need to be able to explain your stance was to avoid people who spout this and that with no substance. We don't have a conversation and your derogatory attitude is not helping.


Western_Judgment_945 t1_j1lk8c3 wrote

How is he being “derogatory “? By not agreeing with you? It’s his experience.


KiyPhi t1_j1lkjja wrote

>Seems like people read ASR and think they’re automatically a genius that sees through the hifi BS, but if you actually just listen to the damn thing you’ll realize what a fool you are.

If that is an honest question, it is because this is assuming that I just read some ASR then think I am a genius when I am really a fool because I cannot hear what they hear despite not being able to show any counter evidence from what I showed as evidence that what they were saying was incorrect.

Also they are calling me a fool for not agreeing with them.

Derogatory is to take a disrespectful attitude, to disparage. It can also mean to try to detract from the standing of someone. Calling someone a fool for not agreeing with baseless claims is derogatory in both senses.

I reiterate, I am not saying these people aren't hearing what they think they are, I'm saying what they are hearing is not caused by what they are claiming and it is a different part of the processing chain. To prove otherwise, it needs to be properly tested. I have linked a video multiple times where one of the most expert persons discusses this very topic and why it is so important to make sure things are tested properly.


Western_Judgment_945 t1_j1nwo2j wrote

Thanks Mr Webster. Now go read your dictionary and listen to your sine waves.


KiyPhi t1_j1nwuup wrote

So what was the point of asking that question if all you were going to do was the same thing? I don't get what you intend to do with things like this. Just ignore it and move on with your day instead of acting in bad faith.