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_Hvski t1_j1oec7a wrote

Glad to see another person entering the hobby, though it pains me that the entry point is through the m50xs like so many others. If you're every looking for a reasonably priced upgrade, the 58x are 140$ right now.


Fireballdingledong t1_j1pf709 wrote

I do see your point and do agree with you in a way, but they got a good present so let them just enjoy them. I have a pair, sure they aren't the best sounding for music listening even compared to headphones the same price or less but they aren't bad. Brilliant for recording, live mixing and picking out small details and very portable and practical with the way it can fold whilst not drawing much power and therefore able to be powered by mobile phones and other similar devices without a dedicated amp. Great studio headphones which is what they are designed for. I personally don't use them much for listening to music for enjoyment because of how narrow sounding they are and the comfort isn't the best but they are still great headphones.


Randolph_Carter_666 t1_j1owo8v wrote

The M50x's are my favorite sounding headphones that I've tried.

