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Hamza9575 t1_j1zlrn2 wrote

There is no gaming iem. For lowest lag you have to directly plug into motherboard jack. Motherboard jack cant handle heavy headphones like 250ohm dt770 pro. So best use something like sennheiser ie300 iems for the best sound for the power available from the jack. Best gaming audio is just using good iems directly into motherboard for lowest lag.


llIicit t1_j1zzky4 wrote

This is actually incorrect. The lowest input latency will be achieved using a device with ASIO drivers.


Hamza9575 t1_j20av2h wrote

No games use asio drivers. Lots of testing on audio latency has been done by riot devs, league of legends game devs. They found earphones directly connected to motherboars best for lowest lag for games. Asio gives lower lag than this but only if software supports it, but no game does.


llIicit t1_j20di1c wrote

Your computer utilizes the drivers, not the game. So you are technically correct on that point. Though everything on steam is standardized (on windows at least) so this is a moot point.

I wouldn’t trust what developers say. They give unrealistic or biased information (obviously). Third party measurements are much more reliable.

Plus it’s Riot, they don’t have the greatest track record lol


Hamza9575 t1_j20drel wrote

I trust devs more than some reddit user. And no reviewer does audio latency testing for gaming.


llIicit t1_j20e2qo wrote

No one asked you to trust a developer, or a Reddit user. This thing called google can give you the answers you are looking for.

And there are in fact third party measurements. They are irrelevant though because they determined there is zero perceivable difference. The actual measured number is so insignificantly small, it isn’t even worth considering.

Why are you so defensive lol


be-LazY OP t1_j1znpx6 wrote

steelseries/hyperx/logitech have their gaming iems


Hamza9575 t1_j1zo6bh wrote

Gaming marketing iems doesnt make them better at gaming. Gaming mouse like zaunkoenig m2k is actuallt better than normal mouse for gaming due to actual gaming oriented features like 8000hz polling rate and carbon fibre no hole body for lowest 20gram weight. While these "gaming" iem dont have any actual features to aid gaming.


be-LazY OP t1_j1zr9m3 wrote

that's exactly my point, but still a lot of people talk about the hyperx cloud2 or the razer headsets which get a lot of credit for not giving us much. But this does not happen with the iem community.
