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SupOrSalad t1_j6d967x wrote

I bought these after Sean olive posted the graph of the ones he bought, but mine sounded different than what he graphed. More bloated and peaky. When I measured mine they graphed like this,JBL_Endurance_Run

I wonder if there's some variation that isn't clear on the packaging or something


MayaTL t1_j6dvzc4 wrote

Mines measure quite similarly to yours (711 clone coupler as well), and also sound like ass.


Demand-Jaded t1_j6deawy wrote

What a shame. I almost bought them because of the Sean Olive Amazon review and how close they were to the Harman target.

Could unit variation be that big? or are Sean Olive measurements not that reliable? As I saw Sharur's review of the TUNE230NC that had a 78% predicted preference in Sean Olive's graph but measured very differently in Sharur's rig, more bloated bass and peaky in the treble.


SupOrSalad t1_j6df76p wrote

I'm not sure. There doesn't seem to be many measurments of it.

Here is HobbyTalk's measurment of it, unfortunately he doesn't have the same Harman target to compare, so this is comparing with the Truthear Zero,JBL_Endurance_Run,Truthear_Zero

Compared to mine with the truthear Zero,JBL_Endurance_Run,Truthear_Zero

I wonder if maybe there is a bit of difference with leakage and the coupler. I'm using just the 711 coupler with the metal end for IEMs which is similar to what crinacle uses. I believe Sean olive measured his in a Gras 45CA with the pinna


hurtyewh OP t1_j6dci1b wrote

That looks very strange to me. I wouldn't have thought any part of the treble goes above Harman and mostly stays 1-2dB below. I listened to many tracks that I often have treble issues with Beat by Tingvall Trio for example or Radha Kaise Na Jale by A.R. Rahman and they're easy to listen to at high volumes.


SupOrSalad t1_j6dd1u7 wrote

It's worth noting that the 8khz and 16khz peak are common artifacts of the measurement coupler. The Gras version of the coupler has damping to lower those artifacts for measurments


hurtyewh OP t1_j6de83v wrote

Oh yeah, true. I'll make more comparisons with the other ones since my guess is these are the smoothest by my ear (with the Cadenza, which is just a touch brighter).


Nosapaw t1_j6dfys8 wrote

Yeah, i honestly was a bit positive on them considering Sean's measurements and some of the feedback, but on more standard squig link rigs, they just seem like a generic undampened DD


hurtyewh OP t1_j6cm8a0 wrote

I got these to try since DMS mentioned they beat the Chu and I've felt the cheapo chifi situation has gotten a bit out of hand and having some other options would be very welcome. Turns out these are damn nice. I've been supposed to make a proper Wan'er, Zero and Cadenza comparison, but luckily having a baby in between delayed it enough to add these in the set. Here's a first impressions after a few hours of listening.

The balance is excellent. Perhaps a tiny bit safe in the highs, but smooth and present. There's as much bass as you can cleanly add, but a bit of sub bass is missing in comparison to some of the others, but the transition from bass to mids suits much more genres than with the Salnotes Zero for example. Detail, timbre, everything is great. The staging feels wider than usual with IEMs which has it's benefits and issues. For critical listening it's nice, but on the go casual listening might feel a bit less engaging.

These can be worn cable over the ear or normally, but at least for me over the ear negatively affects the sound rather clearly. Volume drops, dynamics suffer and of course flipping the channels can be jarring when you're familiar with songs with the intended mix. The part resting on your concha is also a bit chucky and fit might not be ideal for small ears while the tip itself fits nicely.

These might actually be the best tuned IEM I've ever heard having a Dusk, Timeless etc. It does no tuning tricks like added treble, clear sub bass separation etc, but just does everything nice and smooth.


Demand-Jaded t1_j6da9gm wrote

Looking at Amazon reviews I actually found one from Sean Olive!, the director in research and developing in the Harman target, and he found them to be exceptionally close tuned to the target and a great option for less than $20.

Didn't know you could get a passive Harman tuned IEM for less than the Truthear Zero. For that price I'll buy one just to try.

Sean Olive Amazon Review


JbotTheGamer t1_j6db0ot wrote

The c50hi's are my pick for only 9 bucks, apparently some people get bad units but im 3 units in (hard user) and so far 3 hits


Pe-PeSchlaper t1_j6dn7ja wrote

Man I have been dying to find a set of cheap bottom cabled iems, I’m gonna give these a try sometime soon


Miller_TM t1_j6fd5rw wrote

They're surprisingly alright for mainstream earbuds.

Used a pair of these for a couple of years for gaming before I got into chi-fi stuff.


Psychological-Bad959 t1_j6h8rgr wrote

Unironically used these for around 3-4 years (alongside some weird 2 buck IEMs I found) before I learnt more about IEMs. Surprisingly liked them, and glad to see them getting more attention.