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Demand-Jaded t1_j6deawy wrote

What a shame. I almost bought them because of the Sean Olive Amazon review and how close they were to the Harman target.

Could unit variation be that big? or are Sean Olive measurements not that reliable? As I saw Sharur's review of the TUNE230NC that had a 78% predicted preference in Sean Olive's graph but measured very differently in Sharur's rig, more bloated bass and peaky in the treble.


SupOrSalad t1_j6df76p wrote

I'm not sure. There doesn't seem to be many measurments of it.

Here is HobbyTalk's measurment of it, unfortunately he doesn't have the same Harman target to compare, so this is comparing with the Truthear Zero,JBL_Endurance_Run,Truthear_Zero

Compared to mine with the truthear Zero,JBL_Endurance_Run,Truthear_Zero

I wonder if maybe there is a bit of difference with leakage and the coupler. I'm using just the 711 coupler with the metal end for IEMs which is similar to what crinacle uses. I believe Sean olive measured his in a Gras 45CA with the pinna