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Shoddy_Basket_7867 t1_j6ncq5c wrote

That and interface (knobs, ins and outs and features like that). And form factor/design


BoysenberryFluffy671 t1_j6ndkzz wrote

Yes, I was thinking about that after I posted and didn't update it. Inputs/outputs a serious reason to upgrade or just change. Also balanced vs unbalanced and I say that not from a sound quality perspective but if there's noise and such. I had to get a balanced DAC or amp to help remove some feedback/ground loop type static. I didn't try one of those $1,000 power cables though ๐Ÿ˜‚


Realistic_Cry642 t1_j6p9a93 wrote


Also, letโ€™s not forget decent drivers for my usb boys out there. Software can make or break a system in my experience