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DreamDropDistancia t1_j6kjqnk wrote

Here's the thing, though - enjoyment of life is complex, and enjoying the journey of looking for better things (A.K.A. Adventure) is sometimes even better than actually finding the better things you had set out to find.

If anything, I'd argue that those of us passively absorbing/experiencing content are getting less enjoyment out of life than those of us that are constantly sailing the high seas, looking for better treasure, constantly challenging outselves, trying new things, and never being satisfied with any one thing.

The expedition for better is the enjoyment.


AgentE1Games t1_j6m6t6u wrote

Holy shit why is this comment so true


DreamDropDistancia t1_j6mcez1 wrote

Because the seemingly-trite saying of "it's about the journey, not the destination" is both true, and universal, and one would gain the most from living in the moment (within reason).

And if the moment happens to call for obsessive research, the pursuit of unobtainable perfection, lengthy conversations and reviews, community and fulfilliment?

Then so be it.

Yes, those things you're doing are for a future-something, but it's the enjoyment of what you're doing in the here and now that makes it truly special/worthwhile.