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thewaldo77 OP t1_j5wq3dp wrote

newbie audio enthusiast here

After watching some reviews I bought the tin p1 max big panda on avexchange and damn do they have everything that I've been looking for. A warm neutral tuning with just the right amount of bass. Reviewers mentioned them having a very "relaxed" sound and those are exactly my thoughts,. They sound so damn smooth even in the treble never sounding sibilant or fatiguing. Vocals have a nice weight to them and sound natural, my favorite thing about this iem honestly I love some good vocals. The "timbre" I think? is really great every instrument just sounds so natural as if i were hearing it in person. In terms of technical performance performance its really good for the price soundstage feels decently wide, detail retrieval/separation is super impressive, and imaging is very accurate. Its not at the level of the moondrop blessing 2's technical performance but Imo it gets fairly close to it. For comfort, it beats everything that I've had blessing 2, t3 plus, and the raptgo hook x. Been using spinfit tips and those contribute to the comfort as well. I mainly listen to rock/metal, indie rock/pop occasionally hip hop and the p1max had done really well with these genres. These have also since replaced my fidelio x2hr for gaming due to the accurate imaging.

Got into this hobby with the fidelio x2hr enjoyed them at first but overtime really disliked the tuning and technical performance. Then got into iems with the t3 plus and much preferred them due to the balanced warm sound over the fidelios although their technical performance was really average. I than bought blessing 2's and really enjoyed their technical performance but disliked the cold/analytical tuning. As for the raptgo hook x they had a grainy texture to them that I wasn't a fan of.


FastGecko5 t1_j5wsx2h wrote

I had a set of these, ended up selling them because the fit just wasn't great for me. But sound-wise, they're very very good. They're kinda slept on, nobody talks about them. They're really overshadowed by the Letshuoer S12.


FastGecko5 t1_j5wtqut wrote

Yeah it's a real shame about the fit. I wish they were shaped more like the T3+ or my Audiosense DT200. That universal-custom shape of the aforementioned work really well in my ears so it sucks that the P1 Max didn't quite fit right for me. It's probably the best sounding IEM I've tried.


FastGecko5 t1_j5wux8j wrote

Honestly the fit was bearable for around the house but IEMs shaped like the T3+ and DT200 are just a lot more secure for me, which is important because I use them on the go and while I work out. The P1 Max would definitely come loose if I worked out in them. Oh well.


FastGecko5 t1_j5wwnbf wrote

They sound very different from each other. The DT200 is very much warm-neutral while the T3+ is very definitely u-shaped. The T3+ sounds more open but they're about on-par for detail retrieval and resolution. I really like both IEMs but I ultimately decided to keep the DT200 because it is so incredibly comfortable.

The P1 Max blows both of them out of the water for soundstage and technicalities, but it does sound a lot thinner and colder than either of them. Although the vocals on the T3+ sound weirdly compressed compared to the DT200 and P1 Max.


thewaldo77 OP t1_j5x1kck wrote

True I really wasn't expecting the the p1 max to blow the t3+ out of the water haven't even bothered with testing them side by side, guess ill keep them as backup, and maybe ill try the dt200 at some point. Also thought the same about the t3+ vocals and compressed describes it well.


Noob4Head t1_j5xz00a wrote

I'm curious how these would compare to the moondrop aria snow editions.


RubenRag t1_j60i4u4 wrote

I keep looking at these, maybe time to drop the hammer


Noob4Head t1_j60krhh wrote

I've been using Moondrop Aria snow editions for about a week now and I've been really enjoying them but I've also heard really good things about these they were on my wishlist too together with the Tin T2's


omarccx t1_j61qano wrote

I have the original P1 which I also got for $70. They sound honky AF stock, but man do they transform after an EQ. Solid buy OP.


omarccx t1_j62iwm4 wrote

They held up to a 10db bass shelf without distortion and the rest was a matter of defucking the hollow mids and nuking the mt everest peak around 10k.

They were then quite pleasing and balanced while keeping the planar traits like speed and detail. Still a smaller head stage by being IEMs, but very impressive for their size. I only use foam tips with them. They aren't quite as natural sounding as some dynamics, but it didn't bother me considering their other traits. And I genuinely couldn't go back to non EQ. Even my wife was surprised by them and she hates treble.

I do wanna try the Max, but just looking at it I know it won't be comfortable. I couldn't wear the FH3 or the Zu tan wu, I get ear pain/sore spots a after 15 minutes.


ItsCajunTime t1_j63e6gv wrote

Such a great set. Got a pair for christmas and just about everything is great about them to my ears. Probably one of if not the best bang for your buck IEM right now that isn’t a 20ish dollar single DD