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Chew-Magna t1_j6a0rqk wrote

I like my headphones for their own unique flavor, I didn't buy them to make them sound like something else.

EQ if you like, don't EQ if you like. There are no rules. Do what you enjoy.


Mysterious-Evening-7 t1_j6aa7gr wrote

The fact that you get downvoted is very interesting, because people are presumably offended by a different preference. That is super weird but at the same time doesn’t surprise me at all. All you say is that you don’t like to EQ your gear.


Chew-Magna t1_j6ai14g wrote

That's just Reddit for you. Hive mind weirdness. The really odd thing is you can never predict how it will go. Sometimes you'll get wildly upvoted, sometimes downvoted. If this same topic came up a month from now, and I wrote the same response, it could be totally different.


vivi112 t1_j6avvsd wrote

You expressed open-minded approach in your comment before and it's laughably kind of approach condemned by this sub for quite some time. People want to gatekeep ad nauseum here when they hear some "trigger-topics", even when the message is simply "do what you like, check for yourself" lol.


717x t1_j6dooq8 wrote

Nobody is offended. Saying eq takes the variety out, and that it messes up what makes a headphone unique is just completely untrue. You’re never going to get one headphone to sound like another and there are more factors than FR that affect this. Proper EQ is mostly used to slightly smooth out anomalies and issues from the factory tuning, and sometimes even bring out the unique qualities the headphone presents. While it’s not the “end all be all” some people think it is, It’s a very useful tool if you have the time for it. Try giving it a fair shot when you have the time 👍

Also, people seem to think you have to use someone else’s preset eq for the best results. This is also false. EQ is an art imo (which is why it’s so time consuming). You have a great amount of freedom to make your headphone sound the most enjoyable if that’s the route you want to go.


tachyon8 t1_j6azhx4 wrote

You’re never going to EQ a hd6series into a hd800 though for example.


[deleted] t1_j6culfl wrote



blorg t1_j6dybv6 wrote

-8dB everywhere else



tachyon8 t1_j6dz4ft wrote

Yet the distortion on the hd650 is a bit lower than the HD800. Also its a moot point because with the exact same frequency response they do not sound the same. Now throw the sundara in there with the exact FR, it will not sound like either of them. The unique flavor is derived from the over all construction and drivers despite having the same FR.


[deleted] t1_j6e0hrk wrote



tachyon8 t1_j6fr6ir wrote

Ok, but measurements show the actual distortion and HD650 produces a bit less and they can both handle 10db bass boost just fine. Distortion in the lower frequencies is harder to hear and actually ends up sounding like more bass and its still only at 5% with a 10db boost. Also consider the fact a subwoofer that everyone loves to hear produces something like over 20%. What you're talking about is not really an issue.