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SteakTree t1_j5uer38 wrote

Reply to comment by GLikesSteak in HD 650 ruined me by GLikesSteak

Definitely can understand what you are hearing and feeling. Over a decade ago I got my first HD650, and over the years tried many sets, even picked up a second 650 after selling my first. After a number of flagships, I've settled on the HD660S. These are the ones.


GLikesSteak OP t1_j5uh1zd wrote

Definitely am Interested in a 660S! Pretty dang pricey where I'm at though


radrod69 t1_j5vcb33 wrote

The 660S is an awesome headphone too (my pick if I could have only one headphone under $2k USD), more of an all rounder than the 650, but since you're getting the Sundara too you will be covered and having variety is so much fun.


yosoysimulacra t1_j5uztd2 wrote

Sitting here listening to A Moon Shaped Pool on my trusty old 650's, and I only kinda regret selling my SDR-modded HD800's a few years ago.

The 800's are something special. That said the bleed is insane, and I couldn't warrant them sitting around only being used to listen to Yo Yo Ma and Steely Dan to death. That said, I miss the space the 800's created--hard to beat, but damn those things are big.