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flyedchicken OP t1_j68fj7e wrote

Reply to comment by alexxrdt in made it to Venus by flyedchicken

I guess you could file this under QC or chalk it up to FedEx but mine did arrive with the right earcup partially detached (one side of one yoke arm had popped off the nub on the earcup)

I popped that back on and it's felt rock solid ever since. They really seem to be made with pretty tight tolerances coming from other headphones I've had, which I'm sure will cause them to feel a bit stiff to some especially new out of box. If someone needed to bend this headband for whatever reason they would have to try quite hard. Still gonna baby them cause I love the finish, but these don't feel like they need you to so much.

I do want a new cable for them though.


nizowosa t1_j694wub wrote

No it wasn't the shipping. It was off the line like that. You can tell by the undamaged paint over top of the bend. and if you see some little marks at the bend that's from me trying to bend them back (told to try by the rep at Moondrop lmao)


flyedchicken OP t1_j69572t wrote

Oof yeah that may be a different story, I was just talking about mine though!

I had seen a youtube reviewer also say that one of their earcups came loose in shipping.


nizowosa t1_j69amve wrote

Yeah my ear cups arrived fully de-attached actually, but it's no big deal. They're made to be taken off easily for repairs