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oppiehat t1_j6htsi7 wrote

The placebo effect is too strong for most people and the cycle continues


Efficient_Truth_9461 t1_j6pfw34 wrote

The placebo effect is an interesting psychological phenomenon because it can create real change in perception and sometimes physiological response. What that means here is that an expensive cable does sound better. I have a favorite 10 dollar copper cable that sounds better to me because I spent money on it

That also brings in the avoidance of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the disagreement between your self perceptions and actions. Here the perception is "I spend money intelligently" and the action is buying a $10 cable because I thought it looked cool. I will hear a subjectively better sound through the cable to justify my purchase.

So, yes, cables do matter 😏. Spend the absolute max you can on cables and you'll feel like such a dumbass for buying snake oil that you'll like it


pm1902 t1_j6ia3ki wrote

That just means you need to buy a more expensive amp.

If that doesn't work, buy more expensive headphones.

And if that doesn't work, buy a more expensive cable.


akeep113 t1_j6iop36 wrote

psh clearly you cheaped out on your DAC


Nestromo t1_j6jxnkv wrote

Nah, clearly he didn't go with an audiophile grade power company to give him clean outlet electricity.


Comprehensive-Net553 t1_j6lr1fx wrote

no just do a ear surgery to get the best ear for hifi which here vocal clearly , bass tight and rumble, perfect separation from a cheap speaker a mile away


aj95_10 t1_j6olmek wrote

skip the ears and go for direct-transfer of music to your brain, no more weak biologicals limitations /s


BionicSammich t1_j6osm3o wrote

Instructions unclear, now I have a pair of Koss KSC75s with a $6500 cable plugged into an ipod shuffle.


Muggaraffin t1_j6p7y2b wrote

I tried all that and it didn’t work. So I bought a new head with better ears, definite improvement


bonyponyride t1_j6hq9vm wrote

That's your fault for not swapping all the wiring your audio's signal path, as well as the wiring in the mastering studio, and recording studio to silver wire. That's just lazy.


JProllz t1_j6hqn5e wrote

Psh, look at this guy stopping at rewiring everything and not holding the entire production team hostage using all the wire.


Bloodyhogg t1_j6hut6z wrote

Just make the musicians play live for you, simple!


Coel_Hen t1_j6hu1c2 wrote

They just need more burn in.


JProllz t1_j6j5cyo wrote

900 Kelvin for that extra toasty sound signature with just a hint of paprika.


Rilandaras t1_j6i9m62 wrote

Pffff, poor people and their silver cables. What do you expect to hear? It's not like you are using diamond cables...


Boney-Rigatoni t1_j6i2fdx wrote

“I bought a cuppa cables. Yeah… Me? How do they sound? They sound like a cuppa cables. Shhh, what you think they sound like?” - Beetlejuice


Pusfilledonut t1_j6j3aym wrote

I once sat through a blind listening demo with Rupert Neve, arguably the godfather of modern audio, as he demoed cables in a million dollar listening room for industry golden ear types. Now, many of these people had platinum albums and Grammy awards for their work. At some point Rupert revealed some of his speaker cabling as being a hardware store 14 ga. extension cable with the ends lopped off and hardwired. This was chosen as superior sounding by almost 50% of the listening audience.


ZimaEnthusiast t1_j6k2r1c wrote

And the blind have much better hearing too, so they must be right


Flerbenderper t1_j6ka33y wrote

I had my eyes surgically removed in pursuit of becoming the ultimate audiophile


Muttywango t1_j6keefu wrote

I considered this but the head-related transfer function would have been badly affected. I stared at the mid-day sun for half an hour. My eyeballs are intact and the money I saved on surgery was spent on a utility pole outside my house with a dedicated transformer to free myself from tainted current.


Muggaraffin t1_j6p86dz wrote

I love the idea of someone doing that rather than, ya know…..just closing your eyes


kazuviking t1_j6kvmz0 wrote

That test is as legendary as the coathanger one.


computerworlds t1_j6iucoi wrote

Abyss Headphones literally sells a $2,000+ headphone cable. Why does anyone support them?


Ulquiser t1_j6izqwj wrote

for a few reasons actually :

  1. they make good headphones (maybe (never tried them (never will)))

  2. they produce their stuff in america (like 80% of high end gear manufacturers (but don't tell them)))

  3. people are stupid (they are)


Naiphe t1_j6imz18 wrote

Yeah but those wires were forged by being folded a thousand times under a setting sun. The original cables probably aren't!


LawfulGoodCorgi OP t1_j6ip308 wrote

If the forge fires weren't ignited with the farts of specially bred Himalayan rabbits, are those wires truly worth using?


Muttywango t1_j6kcnd9 wrote

That would depend on the rabbits' diet. Too many broad-leaf grasses and the lower midrange will be congested at the 254-258Hz range.


Naiphe t1_j6irc8y wrote

Unfortunately not. Hence the price!


kahmos t1_j6ic8ij wrote

Where you really messed up was not having styrofoam cups attached to a string on one end and having the other end attached to two cups at your favorite band playing live in concert.

You see just one cup on their end gives you mono instead of stereo


LufcPaul t1_j6k5hc1 wrote

Bad ass cans..


Fernando1dois3 t1_j6ic0ek wrote

My face when when.


KruelKris t1_j6hwiqf wrote

They will sound much better in one direction than three other.


Aboxofphotons t1_j6iprah wrote


Everyone knows that the more poncey, pretentious and stupidly expensive a cable is, the higher the quality.


Top-Dawger t1_j6j7olo wrote

Saw a cable on amazon for HD800s that cost about $800. All the reviews were going on about how “rich” the sound was


liamstrain t1_j6i2oh5 wrote

Obviously your system isn't good enough to demonstrated their mystical powers.*



ShepherdessAnne t1_j6ifjp3 wrote

Psh what a novice, not even resoldering the wires to the drivers themselves


Mundane-Ad7664 t1_j6irp0b wrote

You need to download the last update for you ears


ZimaEnthusiast t1_j6k34te wrote

I don’t have time to waste with imperfect drivers so I run the cables directly into my eardrums. Just gotta get some melted gold dropped in there for a better connection now.


GeektinNerdantino t1_j6j18he wrote

😂😂I told my brother to slap me around if I ever start buying thousand dollar cables.


Splungeworthy t1_j6jqcnq wrote

I'm on another audiophile board that does not allow you to call out people with their cable bs. I won't say the name but it's a renowned music producer.


Pigginism t1_j6lo50l wrote

It could be worse. There's some people that buy very expensive "audiophile grade" ethernet cables. I've also seen discussions about hard drives and SSDs that supposedly can change the sound quality of stored files.


reee4 t1_j6irgfv wrote

At least you wont get done by the dude cutting random peoples cables then giving them airpods


Arkaynine t1_j6j4txl wrote

I just want a good balanced cable for my hd650s... ive no delusions or perceived quality gain. I just want the extra headroom


CrackedShadow95 t1_j6jfw2q wrote

Anything with that many big words must be a placebo


zombie9393 t1_j6js3m7 wrote

Ultra high end Cables…the biggest scam in audio. I have a Monster Power branded power strip that reminds me every time.


Moar_Wattz t1_j6jtoab wrote

Nobody who shells out that kind of money on cables is willing to admit that he is that wrong.


painfullyrelatable t1_j6lfwtk wrote

The only thing that you need in a sound cable is shielding, nothing more....


WarHead75 t1_j6ni6a7 wrote

They don’t start improving the sound until you reach the $50,000 mark for cables.


RubenRag t1_j6jbjj8 wrote

I gave up worrying about cables a while ago, analogue and especially digital, however, placebo is real and I do enjoy tinkering and comparing


trexluvyou t1_j6mcuen wrote

A sucker born every minute.


Honda_TypeR t1_j6j95k9 wrote

Yea…but dey sparkly tho


Ok-Change503 t1_j6jw8r9 wrote

Has anyone ever actually tried those cables?


ScaryfatkidGT t1_j6i37gp wrote



bagelbites29 t1_j6jc1en wrote

This is supposed to be a joke, but most of the sub nowadays probably holds this up as gospel. You’re priming them for a life of “Moondrop Chu and apple dongle > anything else. You don’t need an amp to drive HD6XX or Sundara. My PC headphone out is crystal clear with 100% dynamics” behaviors.


Lelouch25 t1_j6irzxy wrote

before you invest in SUPER expensive cables. First try a pair of OFC copper and Pure Silver. If you can't tell the difference between them, you likely shouldn't keep spending more $$ on Cryo treated $580+ X Symphony Pure Silvers. haha


Ulquiser t1_j6j006z wrote

god bless your ears, better than $50k oscilloscope