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pinkcunt123 t1_j5z08rk wrote

Play your music in mono and see whether or not the sound is leaning to one side. If that is the case, I got bad news for you:

Channel imbalance has come to haunt your headphone.

Can be a driver issue, or a simply a pad issue.

I once ordered Dekoni pads for my 660S and one was a lot deeper than the other, so the sound was tilted more towards the shallower ear pads.

To verifiy, whether ot not it is the pads, simply switch them (if possible) between left ant right. And if the sound now leans to the other side, its the pads. If not, its the drivers and you should put in a warranty claim.


t-visADL OP t1_j5z3d5n wrote

I’ll give this all a shot tomorrow hopefully, though I’m getting a gnawing feeling it’s a fit issue since I can feel it touching my ear on the right only.


t-visADL OP t1_j64771p wrote

Just tested them on mono and it sounded pretty much perfect. I can’t switch the pads since I’ve noticed now that they’re actually asymmetrical and only work on the respective cups.

In stereo the left side just sounds… fuller, wider. Right sounds a little less impactful and closes in.