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No-Bother6856 t1_j6iy0lk wrote

Reply to comment by oldkidLG in Loss-less by TooSmalley

The capture of live recordings is limited by the micrphones sure... but losses is lossless in the sense you can fully recreate a sinusoidal wave form in the frequency ranges of human hearing. The math supports this. If you are suggesting pcm is incapable of storing some sort of data that can be captured by dsd then id love to hear what exactly that is. The only real reason to use dsd as a format is to avoid the errors introduced when converting dsd to pcm which isnt a problem if the audio was recorded in pcm to begin with. So its not so much that pure dsd is superior than pure pcm that it is that pure pcm and dsd are theoretically superior than converting between the two.

So sure, if you are trying to listen to the small portion of recordings that is natively dsd then having a dsd dac is the right choice but thats not actually going to sound better than if the same exact session had been recorded straight to pcm and then played back with pcm instead.

And yes, I have a dsd dac


oldkidLG t1_j6j2i7o wrote

Both DSD and PCM capture the same live stream from the microphone, but DSD playback is more straightforward with far less digital filtered steps involved. I have just mentioned Sony's S-Master technology in another comment, which sends DSD directly to the amplification stage without digital to analog conversion. And the output is music


No-Bother6856 t1_j6j3uxz wrote

If its going from dsd to a transducer and producing sound then it has done a digital to analog conversion, that basically just means you have a speaker level dac, which is admittedly quite cool. And its true that dsd is more straight forward but for a delta sigma dac that natively supports dsd the pcm playback is just fine, you aren't going to have audible loss.