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ratatat t1_j6ixhp4 wrote

Amazing you went on a ~$6k headphone journey to end back at the $240 6XX.

Truly appreciate this OP as someone who just got into this hobby and has only tried 660S (kept) & Sundaras (returned). Confirming my plan to keep these puppies for a while and maybe, just maybe, move up to the Edition XS / Arya one day if I want another planar.

One other note since you implied you're a Mac user - SoundSource is amazing for EQing. Comes prebuilt with a ton of EQ profiles (crinacle & oratory1990 for example) that you can just click into and instantly apply with no extra work. Pretty nifty for A/Bing different EQ settings.


IUseFop OP t1_j6kgyn7 wrote

I re-read my post and realized I was a bit unclear in the end. I did go back to the HD6XX, but I decided to keep the Arya V2s as well. That said, for people who decide not to upgrade at all, I learned (from this $6000 journey) that decision is totally justified. We get used to whatever headphones we have -- and the HD6X0s offer more than enough to appreciate.

I'll give SoundSource a try -- thanks for the tip. It is a bit frustrating to have to input everything manually in eqMac...