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Chok3U t1_j61s2p3 wrote

If you like the ksc75 then you should also love the kph30i. But one tip, don't open them up too far or they'll break. The whole thing is made of plastic, not metal like the porta pros or kph40. Open them just wide enough to get them on your head and you should be good.


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j62prxd wrote

Brilliant thanks. I've had a look at them on amazon and apparently the clear colour versions sound different to the rest. And yes they look very flimsy lol do they sound better than porta pros?


Chok3U t1_j64yhez wrote

I don't know if 'better' is the right word. The kph30i sounds different than the porta pros. Both sound great just in different ways. The porta pros are more mid and warm, or some say dark. The kph30i seem to be a bit more lively with more emphasis on the treble.

I can't pick one over the other. I think I love both equally. But the PP's definitely have the advantage over the kph30i when it comes to build quality. Both are extremely lightweight, but the plastic of the kph30i can get ya in trouble if you open them up extremely wide.


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j67p7mx wrote

Think I will order a pair of kph30i then as I prefer more emphasis on treble and brighter sound:) shame amazon UK don't stock them will have to order from America but hopefully be worth the wait :)