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Me_MeMaestro t1_j52thtg wrote

I guess that's the point, they make a proprietary system so you can't buy/effectively use other pads without modding and have to pay hundreds for their special ones


Overall_Falcon_8526 t1_j52w5yr wrote

Dekoni makes pads for them, so it must not be that difficult...


TRX808 t1_j54qgf8 wrote

Apparently it is/was. See recent Zeos video and comments by Dekoni on prototyping them. I think the new Dekoni pads are some type of Abyss collab and are included in the new model but I didn't get too far in the video because Zeos was shilling so hard it was getting obnoxious.


ravenousglory t1_j53shs1 wrote

Is it a bad thing? It's your choice in the end to buy or not to buy a product, but you even don’t have it but yet complaining about it, LOL! If a niche product company decide to make exclusive stuff for their premium product, it's their right to do so.


Me_MeMaestro t1_j53v2w8 wrote

Yes and I'm sure you've never once criticized the price of an expensive item you didn't desire, I'm such a complainer.

Just as I'm sure you've never questioned a companies decision to make something less consumer friendly and proprietary


ravenousglory t1_j53wa7x wrote

Again, you don’t have to buy it. I'm definitely never complained about certain cars being overly expensive or watch, for example. It's a products for people with money, why should I care? If you want something consumer friendly you just buy a consumer friendly product, that's it.


bbuky01 OP t1_j52v5b4 wrote

So all headphones should be made the same shape and size? So you can use any pads with them ? So no room in your world for advancement it shall be all the same.


Me_MeMaestro t1_j5313h1 wrote

That's not what I said

If they didn't use a more expensive design that includes magnets then 3rd party options would be more plentiful and likley easier to diy without having to worry about damaging more expensive pads or a mounting/magnet system

Lots of headphones have proprietary pad designs, but most dont require additional mounting rigs, you can get a 3d printed rig like you can for audeze or monolith that accept universal pads, but I'm not sure if that's possible for these


bbuky01 OP t1_j537oo5 wrote

Abyss has used magnets to secure their pads for the AB-1266 OG’s in about 2013 or so not for sure of the time frame but close to ten years now. So it is not like people have not had a chance to replicate them.
The thing is there are a lot more HD-650’s and Sundara’s out there than Abyss Diana’s and you can find pads for them easily and they both use very different mountings to secure them . Pretty hard to adapt those to the Diana’s and vise versa.
While you think $260 is crazy for pads I get it but to mod something for a very unique headphone like these the time and labor would be so much more.
You might believe that they designed them so no one else can make easy to replicate ones.
They pop off and on in seconds why doesn’t everyone do it this way ?


TheHippoGuy69 t1_j53qr52 wrote

forgive me if I am interpreting your tone incorrectly but it seems like you might be a bit deep in the rabbit hole from the way u are talking about these pads.

Your money is your money but my question is that have you tried EQ-ing beforehand? Because I feel that the bass boost you get from these pads could be easily EQ-ed to your liking.