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tachyon8 t1_j57opcu wrote

Your points are mostly about your self admitted animosity towards Amir and constructing false framing, false dichotomies and straw men. I have no interest in debating that. Also, you can't tell me what I hear or don't hear or what headphones I have owned or how data is useful for me and in what way.

I keep talking about distortion because that is what these "TOTL" high "fidelity" headphones produce and it can be audible and these headphones obviously have variations in how they preform. Abyss is selling people a "feeling", not fidelity. Pretty obvious why you like your LCD-5 more, IMO.

I'll continue to listen to 1khz sine sweeps, its all I listen to, and I sometimes sit in silence with my headphones on listening to graphs..../s