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DreamDropDistancia t1_j5g8bia wrote

I see what you're getting at. Here's what you need to remember:

Headphones/IEMs, etc. are a means to an end.

If you can hear the music with some semblance of being able to be resolved/in a way that makes you happy, then you're 95+% "of the way there". You'll hear some people around hear say, "I'd never listen to anything lesser", but if something "lesser" was all they had on them, they wouldn't just not listen to music/play games/watch movies anymore - it would be good enough, because that's what is available to them, and it gets the job done.

Nobody needs to hear that last 0.004% of decay from a violin, or that already-highly-synthetic electric guitar. Nobody needs to hear that one guy in the background coughing in the editing booth during the recording, or the buzz of a monitor in the background.

Most products out there get the job done and then some. It's all subject to diminishing returns. Of course it's nicer to have higher fidelity reproduction. It feels different. But not so different that any sane person woud simply stop listening altogether if hi-fi hardware wasn't available to them anymore.

There are many facets to sound reproduction hardware, software, sources, and what makes each individual happy. Find what makes you happy and live your life.

tl;dr - Nothing ever truly dies, and nothing else matters except your enjoyment - don't spend even another second of your life thinking about the state of things, or worrying about what other people are doing.