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liukasteneste28 t1_j685o4y wrote

In your shoes, i'd get Mojo 2 instead of similar priced amp dac stack.


There is no equal to it when it comes to price to performance.


Gamergtx_260 t1_j69jftv wrote

Sorry but chord is overpriced. They ask half the price for battery replacement. They sound good but not for the money you pay. I would simply get a schiit, topping or the jds stack.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j6a6ugk wrote

You are certainly paying extra for their brand recognition, build quality, and house sound. I find them too warm for my liking though and went with Tr-amp instead. Serbian company, great build quality, and sound as good as Mojo, although not as unique looking and sounding.


liukasteneste28 t1_j6adbcg wrote

I had schiit asgard 3 and bifrost uber. Mojo 2 beats them.


Gamergtx_260 t1_j6bzsol wrote

I had them (and a lot more too) but from my memory chord’s house sound is warmer while schiit was very neutral so you really can hear how your headphones sound. It’s no contest. Opinions may vary. Glad you like them though.


liukasteneste28 t1_j6cfgij wrote

Just try the mojo 2. It is so so good.


Gamergtx_260 t1_j6com3a wrote

I did. Even the Hugo 2. Along with schiit’s other offerings. I had the yggy and ragnarok. They sounded the best on my lcd 4s. Thanks for the suggestion