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Tommybyte OP t1_j5zed50 wrote

*atleast with headphones.

The Elite is my typ of headphone. Musical af and not fatiguing. I'm five years into the hobby, owned Focal Clear, Hifiman Sundara, Beyerdynamic Amiron Home and heard some more, which all were great but I was never totally convinced. Got the Elite at a discount like new and I don't regret it. Comfort, soundstage, detail and imaging are a hugh step up from the Clears and the Sundaras for me. Yeah there are probably more detailed (or whatever) headphones but this is more than enough for me. Did I mentioned the comfort?! Combined with the musical presentation you can really sink into your favorite music.

Most heard album since I brought them: Yosi Horikawa - Vapor

Feel free to ask any questions.


keynzeev t1_j5zpyb9 wrote

not a question, just a compliment to you! It is good to find the end of the journey and its even better when you feel that you are now content and happy to be there. So, congrats lad, a good time for you and I'm very happy for you! Always remember, nobody else can say what is the endgame to you, just you, and when you found it, don't be ashamed of it, be PROUD! and above all, be happy in it!


Tommybyte OP t1_j609jiv wrote

Thanks for the compliment! I totally agree with your position. The best measurement-rig are your own ears. I'm by no means objective with my statement but why trying?! I want to enjoy my music, compairing dry graphs is not for me. Perhaps an indicator what cans could fit my taste. Back to listening...


Assumption-Academic t1_j61i9db wrote

More detail than sundara is probably enough detail for life. I have some austrian audio hi-15 the cheap ones and they're too much, there is such a thing as too much detail where it becomes annoying and hard to enjoy.


blucsigma05 t1_j62cr0b wrote

How would you compare to the clear? I just got them and love them but interested in anything that might sound better than this!


Tommybyte OP t1_j62qmar wrote

Clears are definitely flatter with less quantity of bass. Soundstage is bigger and imaging more precise on the Elite. Gifted them to my dad with the CMA400i, he loves them because he's more into a bass-light presentation, so it's a match for him.


Pangolin_Unlucky t1_j60wqsn wrote

Honestly if you just want to listen to music, instead of trying analyze it every time you put on a headphone, elite is as good as it gets. Not saying it’s not as detailed as other flagships, but it certainly have the best combination of technicality, musicality, build and comforts from all the flagships I have tried so far.


player_9 t1_j613duv wrote


Preemptive; the weight does not bother my head/neck whatsoever, the weight distribution, clamping force, and massive earpads work on my head just perfectly.


Pangolin_Unlucky t1_j613nzj wrote

Nope, not if you want big soundstage and get immersed


player_9 t1_j615nqh wrote

The LCD4 is the only headphone that actually makes me constantly forget I have a headphone on. That is the immersion I’m looking for. That bass and sub bass is just mesmerizing. They are second to none on imaging and dynamics IMO. I’m not saying the Elites aren’t great, just not my flavor for TOTL.


chrispy513 t1_j5zvzfl wrote

What other amps have you tried in the past? I have the Empyreans and have toyed with the idea of getting a Burson amp to replace my Topping stack, but knowing I don't even need a fraction of the power they put out has stopped me from dropping the cash.

If you've had other amps, how do they compare for the Elites?

Edit: autocorrected Burson to Nursing.


Tommybyte OP t1_j6082s2 wrote

I had the Questyle CMA400i, nice all in one solution for low to middle impedance headphones. Than brought the RME Adi-2 DAC and paired it with the Singxer SA1. Pretty awesome combo for planars, but I had no use for all the fearures the RME is offering, so I searched for a more puristic Class A solution. Ergo Burson Soloist. Got it used in a bundle with the composer just yesterday. To be honest it's a bit overpowered for the Elite. Using it single ended on low gain to avoid the noisefloor in midium/high gain but have to crank it atleast up to 75. So probably not the best solution for the Elite, although it sounds awesome. Appears a bit wider and clearer than RME/SA1, but must do more a/b testing. Getting a balanced cable soon, so I hope that makes a difference.


ku1185 t1_j60ytgz wrote

I haven't tested too many headphones with my Soloist 3xp in balanced, but I actually preferred the single ended output over the balanced one. I thought SE sounded a little more relaxed and natural. Plus, SE out was more usable with medium gain on certain sensitive headphones like LCD-X.


Pangolin_Unlucky t1_j60x5tj wrote

Had a topping a90 before switching to soloist 3xp, definitely worth the upgrade if you have the fund for it imho.


ku1185 t1_j60z7bl wrote

Had SA-1 before the 3xp, and I much preferred the sound out of the 3xp. Amazing sound quality, but gotta deal with crappy controls and other quirks.


717x t1_j60wjdi wrote

They’re objectively awful amps. If you want distortion go with tubes. Otherwise you’re better with SMSL, topping, schiit or jds stuff.

It’s really cool to downvote without providing why lol. Just trying to save people money here. I’ve owned so many pieces of bad, outdated and overpriced gear in my 15 years of being into the hobby I’m just trying to prevent people from doing the same.

If distorting the sound is something you’re after, tubes are the way to go, not buying a poorly performing solid state amp for over $2k…


player_9 t1_j6147q2 wrote

Not OP. I use the Burson soloist for a set of LCD-4’s, 200 Ohm

The only time I need to set the amp to high gain is if I’m using a ton of DSP/EQ settings. Most of the time I don’t need to move past the medium gain setting, and I listen LOUD. It’d be tough to find a headphone that this amp can’t drive, including the Susvara. It’s overkill for most headphones.


ku1185 t1_j60ydj4 wrote

Love the Elites. Love the Soloist 3xp. Never heard the Composer but Conductor was pretty nice.

But let that Soloist breathe! It must be getting quite hot.


marsellus2017 t1_j60drtp wrote

Amp on top?


Tommybyte OP t1_j60hnyg wrote

Yeah probably better, its getting a bit warm. Will do!


ku1185 t1_j60zmqx wrote

I got a little monitor stand to separate my DACs and the Soloist 3xp. The Bursons get quite hot!


CertifiedMadokaist t1_j61hlf8 wrote

This is the exact setup up for demo at my local headphone store so I can positively say that it's probably wise to stop here for your wallet's sake!