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xtel9 t1_j5yxoip wrote

in my personal opinion and listening experience HD 560s are definitely great headphones and certainly sounds great I would never say that they didn’t I just cannot imagine a scenario where somebody would listen to a pair of 560s and then put on a pair of HD 600’s back to back and say well it’s obvious I’m gonna walk away with a 560’s.

Indeed, I can’t even think of anybody’s opinion on Fidelity that I trust that would ever choose a pair of 560s over 600s after listening back to back.

Again not at the 560 just don’t have a certain flavor and signature character that’s quite pleasant- if I had to provide a word to describe, it would be very warm and almost colored like warm butterscotch.

However, the 560 will never have the driver reaction response in the low end of the six hundredths in terms of speed, nor tightness nor the firmness in the upper mid range, and especially not the very present clarity in the higher end that is just almost as perfect as a headphone can do just sloped at the absolute perfect point to retain accuracy yet almost obliterate any harshness and mind you it does all of this on probably the widest variety of musical source material that I can say but any other headphone has ever come close to retaining its character, strengths, and predictability as the 600’s in this regard.


RB181 t1_j62pdfa wrote

I did the unimaginable.

I tried the HD 600 before I did the HD 560S. I was disappointed in the former (but eventually bought a pair anyway, because reasons), and loved the latter. A few months of owning both and I haven't changed my mind.