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rodo1986 t1_j5j6npx wrote

Nice setup!

Some people are showing so much hate towards hd660s lately on reddit, especially those who are into HD600 and HD650, that I am doubting if I made a good choice. Although, I very much like HD660s in terms of midrange and vocals, they sound just great. If it had good highs, soundstage and bass as well, I guess it would be priced at 800$ rather than 300$ currently on amazon.


jasonsc95 OP t1_j5jb3zv wrote

Thanks! I don’t understand the hate, they are consistently $299 and sound great. I really wanted focal clears. But I’d rather demo some other units before spending that much.


radrod69 t1_j5kasz8 wrote

600 owners are such snobs, lol. 660s has the best (read: widest) soundstage to my ears out of that lineup. Although if you wanted more bass and treble, the other two do have more quantity. Then again, to my ears, the treble is better defined in the 660 (especially with a smidge of an air boost via EQ).


rodo1986 t1_j5kwlxy wrote

Truth to be told, I was choosing between Sundara and HD660s at the time, and chose the latter for its strength. Overall, I am not complaining about the headphone, it's great, but just saying what I am lacking in general.


radrod69 t1_j5le305 wrote

Yeah, I got that. I was more so trying to point out that the 660s improved on some of the "shortcomings" of the 650/600 (e.g., soundstage, imaging, instrument separation, and perceived detail retrieval) in attempt to assure you in your 660S over other 6x0 headphones.

Of course that's all imo.

Did you find the Sundara to have recessed vocals as well?


rodo1986 t1_j5ne4ce wrote

No, I was comparing them based on mainly youtube reviews. I wish I could test them along with different other headphones before ordering, but unfortunately, these headphones weren't available at the time at musical shops where I live.


radrod69 t1_j5uh8ot wrote

Ah yeah, I get that. Maybe in the future, you can buy used to try stuff out. You can sell back whatever you don't like and usually make all your money back. To be honest, you probably dodged a bullet by going with Sennheiser. They're just way more reliable than Hifiman at the end of the day.