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Astrophan t1_j6d5yn5 wrote

Right? What's the deal with that? 7 people tried my headphones, age around 23 and 45+, and every time they crank up the volume really high. To the point it's absolutely unlistenable to me and I hear everything when they have it on. Why does that happen? Is my hearing that sensitive? They add like 45 dB if I would have to guess, insane.


TheFrator t1_j6d786x wrote

A lot of non-hi fi audio people think the hallmark of a good system is how loud it can get. It's the same with stereos. And psychologically, louder things sound better (up to a point obviously).


dib1999 t1_j6etxki wrote

I like to warn people "if you touch that dial it will either pop your ears or my headphones, and it better not be my headphones"