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cancerballs69420 t1_j7mndxu wrote

Pretty sure there were some cases where hitler wasn’t trying to force submission. In the period before the blitz I remember reading hitler wanted to end the war in the west so he could focus on the east. Then the blitz was an attempt to force that submission when England didn’t do it on their own


SigerMakkerMeget t1_j7mq8c3 wrote

The blitz was intended to force the RAF to fight the Luftwaffe, in the hopes of destroying it. That would have given Germany free reign over the English Channel, opening a route for a naval invasion.

But since Germany couldnt break the RAF, there would be air cover for the Royal Navy, making an invasion utter suicide.


Arkslippy t1_j7mx7j2 wrote

That's what they teach kids in school history in Britain, but the actual fact is that Germany had no way of crossing the channel, especially with the Royal navy fully in the game, the luftwaffe was worn from the campaign in France and Poland as well as mechanically stretched after the first few weeks of the Battle of Britain, tye narrative has been, the raf were struggling and were saved by the change to bombing cities, but they actually had more aircraft available then than they did at the start, no hitlers error was attacking them at all, instead of pausing for a while and trying to negotiate, but Britain had Germany blockaded too.

Lots of ifs and buts


Wheredoesthetoastgo2 t1_j7mnkjf wrote

Either way with him on the upper hand. Can't have a messiah complex and get a bum deal, now.


cancerballs69420 t1_j7mnsey wrote

Messiah complexes are lit tbh. Must be a hell of a life thinking that way all the time


Wheredoesthetoastgo2 t1_j7mo17c wrote

I mean if I survived an active bomb assassination I might start having some thoughts...