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Sacesss t1_j7tqmz0 wrote

Good morning everyone, do you have any suggestions on books about the medieval knights, chivalry, tourneys and this sort of things? Something that explains well the birth of knighthood, its development and its fall and the functionality of the medieval tourneys, alongside using some anecdotes/facts would be amazing.

Thank you in advance.


elmonoenano t1_j7v2dzx wrote

Thomas Asbridge has a good one on William Marshal. It's pretty short, it's well written, and has good notes if you find an area you want to learn more about. Marshal is a goods subject b/c he's got a Forest Gumpy quality for that period of England. He was around all the big players, went on crusade, was a popular tourney knight, etc. It's called The Greatest Knight. It's a great place to start for English knights.


Sacesss t1_j7yisf5 wrote

Thank you much! I looked it up and it seems exactly what I was looking for, I'll start from that, thanks again.