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TheBatAmongUs t1_j8baiss wrote

The Great Triumvirate vs Heirs of The Founders. These 2 books tackle the lives & relationships between them in early to mid 19th century U.S. Senators, Webster, Clay, & Calhoun.I am wondering which of the 2 is overall better or what distinct differences the 2 works have in the 31 year difference between publications.I only have time enough to read one, but wanted to pick up what fellow students of history thought b4 I pick 1 or the other up. I thought Reddit could help.Thank you.


No-Strength-6805 t1_j8ld0gh wrote

I read "Great Triumvirate " many years ago mostly cause of Acedemic Historian and author Merrill Peterson ,who was famous for his works on Thomas Jefferson .I remember feeling he strived to be fair to all 3 subjects ,though Calhoun because his race beliefs was difficult. Peterson is an excellent author and writes great books. I've also read Brands a historian from University of Texas , though I haven't read this specific book,Triumvirate is from 1987 ,Founders is 2018,personally I favor Triumvirate just enjoyed reading the author easier.