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Qazwereira t1_j8a96oy wrote

Does anyone know of any book or visual media that explains in some detail the Congress of Viena after the napoleonic wars. I have found previous sources online, but they usually only focus on the major parts of the treaties, like Germany or even Italy. I know that multiple subjects were the matter of that congress and so I am looking for something that, in the spirit of Historia Civilis' videos, digs deeper in some more overlooked aspects of the Viena peace treaties.



quantdave t1_j8d0qo8 wrote

Mark Jarrett's The Congress of Vienna and its legacy (IB Tauris, London 2013) has received favourable reviews and is rated fairly in-depth (522 pages), though it covers the pre-1814 background and post-1815 multilateral efforts down to Greek and Belgian independence, so it may not be quite what you're after.


Qazwereira t1_j8f3ts4 wrote

Thank you. I'll give it a look.


quantdave t1_j8f68vg wrote

You're welcome: I hope you can find more sources. I was surprised that there don't seem seem to be other substantial recent treatments - it seems an odd oversight, especially given the bicentenary only 8 years ago.