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seyramlarit t1_j8k5d1o wrote

This question is maybe too broad/meta, but what are the most accurate sources on... how everyday european medieval life worked? For example some questions I have:

  • What techniques were used to make clothing and construct buildings?
  • How were simple fires for warmth, cooking and lightning lit?
  • How accessible were parchement and ink?
  • How did trade and trade routes develop?

I like to think I'm half-decent at doing research, but so far I've only ever found video and blog posts of questionable accuracy... is there any book that answers questions of this sort with the highest accurcacy possible?


Doctor_Impossible_ t1_j8uofk8 wrote

>how everyday european medieval life worked? For example some questions I have:

When it comes to medieval questions you first of all need to decide when and where. In some definitions 'medieval' covers 1,000 years, and even people who unironically use the term 'Dark Ages' admit there was change over that time. The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England by Ian Mortimer is a good, informal place to start.