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ManOfDiscovery t1_j97kl3z wrote

This event, the Tulsa race riot, etc. were all well covered in my high school history courses during “reconstruction period” lectures. Kind of blows me away when people say they never heard it discussed. I had thought this was all already standard.


heyohhhh84 t1_j981u0x wrote

I’m from Wilmington and didn’t hear about this until just a few years ago.


Jaevric t1_j988bvz wrote

I lived in Wilmington, NC for 6 years - middle school and most of high school - and never heard of this.

...Admittedly, that was 25 years ago, but damn.


elmonoenano t1_j989g7z wrote

Just so people are clear on timelines, Reconstruction ended with the election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877 and election of Hayes. Then the US entered a period generally known as Redemption in the south. It started a little earlier than 1877 and was more powerful in different places, and continued until the early 1910s. The violence in Wilmington is part of that period and redemption is marked by racial violence against Black Americans, the solidifying of Democrat Party rule of the South, Lochner Era jurisprudence gutting the 14th and 15th Amendment, and the development of Jim Crow and segregation.

After WWI, there was a period of racist violence from 1919 to about 1923 that generally coincides with the kicking off with the Red Summer. Chicago's famous riot in 1919 is considered part of the Red Summer. The Rosewood massacre in Florida happened near the end of this period, where there are still incidence of racist violence but they don't happen as frequently and aren't was wide spread.

Tulsa was part of that wave of violence. It's tied to the push by Black Americans for Civil Rights, partially based on their service in WWI and is marked by frequent lynching of veterans returning to the south. There was a pretty consistent pattern of attacking and stealing Black wealth, whether it's things like the looting and burning of Greenwood in Tulsa, or the stealing of land in places like Rosewood.


NewspaperNelson t1_j97tdfy wrote

Went to high school in Alabama and didn’t even learn about unionist/secessionist violence in my own county. Leaned about Tulsa a few years back when the rest of the nation did.


Caveman108 t1_j97z5a0 wrote

What year did you graduate? Class of 2014 here, I remember a lot of talk of the Civil War and ending slavery in my US History year. However there was very little to no discussion of the reconstruction and race struggles afterwards. I remember a little bit of stuff about sharecropping and some other stuff. No more real talk of race issues until we got to the civil rights movement.

This was in a very rural area of a pretty red state, for reference. The ironic thing is my state, Indiana, was on the side of the North and never had much slavery. Now you see all kinds of idiots flying confederate flags, and I remember kids in my class at the time saying we should never have given black people freedom. Specifically remember a particular dirtbag say “them n*****s should still be slaves today” in class, out loud, and not even getting detention for it.


Velghast t1_j98m0he wrote

Highschool in 1998 covered almost all of Tulsa, the red summer, and Jim crow. I asked my SO and her 2010s high school never covered it. Seems like post 9/11 allot of that was lost.


Syllogism19 t1_j982ggr wrote

You must not have gone to school in Texas. We got nothing. We did learn that Lincoln was going to help the South and that the Radical Republicans, scalawags and carpet baggers were terrible people.


[deleted] t1_j98i62l wrote



illegible t1_j98az7n wrote

I had never been taught about the Tulsa race riots until i learned about them here on reddit. On top of that, 'race riots' makes it sound like black people rioting, rather than the white people rioting and killing black people, just another subtle white washing.


ricottapie t1_j99212u wrote

I'm Canadian, and I only learned about them a year or two ago.


wilde_man t1_j99fz1o wrote

That would make sense, seeing as you live in Canada.


ricottapie t1_j9b5j3k wrote

Yeah, but with our exposure to American and international media and history being as high as it is, you'd think that it would've come up before. At the same time, a lot of Canadians were, and remain, woefully (maybe wilfully!) unaware of some our own history, so...

But I know now.


Regretful_pie_23 t1_j9a96gr wrote

I live in Washington state and they went over Tulsa a few times while I was in high school. I graduated in 2018


maximillian_arturo t1_j99c5rn wrote

It's almost like different schools don't all teach the same exact curriculum.


ManOfDiscovery t1_j99hj9v wrote

That’s my point. I’d been operating under the belief this side of US history was well-taught and part of a standardized curriculum. I was honestly shocked when I realized people were only first hearing about Tulsa from the watchmen…of all places. And I’m confronted again with the reality that our educational system is so ad-hoc that what happened in Wilmington isn’t even mentioned in Wilmington schools.


MeowMeowCollyer t1_j99f76f wrote

Tulsa Massacre, not race riot. It was a one sided attack, not a match between two equal sides.


ManOfDiscovery t1_j99hro8 wrote

Yes, but it was labeled as such when I was in high school, hence why I referred to it this way. Fair to clarify though


Vince_stormbane t1_j9azx5k wrote

I taught the Tulsa race riot and Waco horror last week spent a whole day on the 2 was a pretty depressing class period


fractiousrhubarb t1_j98ic0w wrote

What state do you do high school in?


ManOfDiscovery t1_j98jfdx wrote


I will caveat this before anyone says how progressive that was for the south…

My elementary school still very much taught the Civil War as “the war of northern aggression.”

So, still certainly a mixed bag on the education side I guess.


SwaggermicDaddy t1_j992siw wrote

I tell a lot of people about the Tulsa race riot, I’m from Canada and it’s virtually unknown from what I can tell, at leas with my age range (25)


skankingmike t1_j98f8s6 wrote

I honestly cant remember the 90s it being discussed but then I was a terrible student in HS. College for sure but I was a history major and I went as an adult so.. 10+ year difference.