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Dabat1 t1_j9m9u53 wrote

I'd be really interested to see the cannon after they the finish the cleaning.


high_rollin_fitter t1_j9mp34b wrote

The pirate museum in Cape Cod has a ton of Wydah related stuff. Really cool


epicgrilledchees t1_j9o7vrx wrote

I’ve used the electrolysis method for cleaning rust off old tools and things. It works great. And it’s easy.


[deleted] t1_j9o8irz wrote

Whoa a Musket ball! Good to see money at work here.


dotnetdotcom t1_j9ohzgw wrote

When I saw "time capsule" in the headline I imagined a bunch of pirates, each putting a memento or trinket in a box then stashing it away for posterity like 4th graders.


Cluelessish t1_j9ozkb6 wrote

I see Newman from Seinfeld has a new job


cynzthin t1_j9p5u19 wrote

This reads like it was written by a diligent 5th-grader.


me_team t1_j9paxgk wrote

300 years later - Scientists are baffled after discovering a pristine, ornately decorated, mostly cylindrical chest-like box with pirate themed carvings, containing nothing more than 27 eye patches, a parrot feather and the answer to the riddle “What do we do with a drunken sailor”.


hdhdhgfyfhfhrb t1_j9pvbc0 wrote

Thanks for the share, OP. I am currently listening to a very good Great Courses audiobook called The Real History of Pirates by Manushag Powell. This article was timely to my enjoyment.


psiikick t1_j9q6u7i wrote

I’ll bet this is from the Wydah. Beyond Oak Island has been featuring this find/dive with Tony Sampson.


jlfern t1_j9qfwrj wrote

I took my daughter to the wydah pirate museum for the first time just yesterday.

After we grabbed some lunch and went into Barnes and noble. On one of the front tables as you walk in are two books on the wydah. Coincidence but makes sense.

Later that evening I'm scrolling news and see this article. Really weird. I think the universe is telling me to be a pirate.

On a separate note- the museum was really cool. Tons of old recovered artifacts. Interesting story. They actually have a lab with a bunch of concreted artifacts in various stages of recovery. Neat stuff.


Jfont1323 t1_j9qs12x wrote

I’ve been to the Wydah museum they have in Cape Cod. Very cool if anyone is in the area. Bunch of gold and silver on display


cylonfrakbbq t1_j9qwg2o wrote

They still are pulling up stuff from the Wydah. The new museum (not the old one in P Town) is fantastic. Tons of artifacts on display (from pirate weapons to dinner implements to actual treasure) and you can even see artifacts trapped inside concretions that they are slowly trying to free.


DartanianBloodbath t1_j9w4kv0 wrote

The idea of Sam Bellamy making one of those time capsules like gradeschool kids is hilarious....

The idea of John King being the same age as those gradeschool kids is a lot more unpleasant to think about.