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Afraid_Atmosphere781 t1_ja6zu12 wrote

What are some 'good things' that happened in the 20th century that are as impactful as all the bad?


en43rs t1_ja71v3o wrote

Penicillin and vaccine that saved billions of people, the eradication of smallpox (which killed 300 million people on the 20th century alone), the end of high infant mortality rates, mass literacy, the end of massive war in the West, lasting peace in Western Europe for the first time in millennia, in 1900 around 70% of humanity lived in extreme poverty now it’s closer to 20%, …

Yes things may look bad. But we live in the best era of humanity.


GSilky t1_jaa94jx wrote

The efficacy of nonviolent protest.


Internal_Listen t1_jac40bz wrote

The invention of the washing machine. Widespread literacy. Child labor laws. Increased enfranchisement.