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Pyro-sensual t1_ja1mc0y wrote

That's a fun thought, but not supported by anything. When a person is born has no affect on their personality or interests


Kholzie t1_ja3bjv2 wrote

I didn’t propose it was proven by anything. You know, people also say aliens made the nazca lines, and when they do they harp on aliens being the only ones who could see the lines from above. I disagree with that logic, but i don’t harbor vitriol and scorn for people who have ideas and want to ask questions.

We don’t know a lot of stuff about ancient people, what they knew, or what motivated them.


Pyro-sensual t1_ja3u9d1 wrote

>I didn’t propose it was proven by anything.

I didn't say that you did.

> i don’t harbor vitriol and scorn for people who have ideas and want to ask questions.

I 100% agree.

>We don’t know a lot of stuff about ancient people, what they knew, or what motivated them.

Of course, that's true. But it's important not to simply make things up to fill in the gaps and spread misinformation. My comment was only meant as a supplement to yours in case someone reading was confused about whether astrology had any basis in reality or was just a fairy tale.


Kholzie t1_ja3v6r8 wrote

I’m not spreading misinformation. In fact, I used the words “I am a layman” and “I think”, more than once. Like, it’s a very deliberate effort on my part not to pass myself off as authority.

Don’t attack me. I wonder why people have to use Reddit as a pulpit to put other people down.



Pyro-sensual t1_ja3xk2k wrote

I didn't say you were spreading misinformation. No one is attacking you. You're being unnecessarily defensive.