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CiggyBones t1_ja3adp6 wrote

> as if they were the sole instigator and agressor of WW1

I didn't have anything to do with it.


P045K t1_ja3azce wrote

Thank god you didn’t…

But all kidding aside. What do you think is the reason German was so harshly punished?


OMightyMartian t1_ja3bqs1 wrote

Churchill's explanation was that the public sentiment in the Allied countries, and in particular in France, made it impossible for the Allied politicians and diplomats to do anything other than cut out pounds of flesh. A generation had been cut down in its prime, and the public weren't interested in nuance, only in punishment.


BurtTheTurd t1_ja463a0 wrote

Imho The French wanted payback for the war and humiliation of 1870/1871 and the Brits wanted to make sure they were not being contested by a country with the potential to become more powerful than they were especially since the empire was crumbling.