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Gen_monty-28 t1_ja65aa4 wrote

This is an excellent answer! I would just add that much of the anti-Versailles sentiment remains with us from British interpretations of the treaty in the 1920s as all political parties adopted a belief that Germany had been treated harshly and developed a more francophobic mindset in the late 1920s, viewing the French as more dangerous to peace than the Germans. Versailles was never as damaging to Germany as the settlement Germany imposed on France in 1871 or on the Soviet Union in 1918. But the myth lives on…


DifferentOpinionHere t1_ja6boua wrote

Thank you! Your comment reminds me of a post-war meeting between Georges Clemenceau (arguably the greatest French statesman of all time) and David Lloyd George, where the former criticized Lloyd George for becoming increasingly anti-French, with the Briton responding "Well, was that not always our traditional policy?"