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Doctor_Impossible_ t1_jay7m3z wrote

>did that actually happen or was it communist fabricated propaganda?

It actually happened, and even Nazis say it did. It's not a communist fabrication, nor were most of the people killed communists; the CCP didn't take over China until 1949.

>my second question is that why did Japan invade china and korean?

Japan sought the establishment of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, a thinly-veiled attempt at creating a larger Japanese empire, subjugating other countries for their resources, and ousting other empires from territory they wanted. Japan sought both superiority over other nations and resources to assist its economy, not least oil, to avoid the USA being able to pressure the country via further embargoes.


Cap_Vast t1_jaziefg wrote

Thanks for the information and had some people told me that it was all faked and was to blame Japan after they lost the war


Doctor_Impossible_ t1_jb0vn15 wrote

Yes, some people, mainly fascists and Japanese nationalists, do tell lies about it. In the same vein as Holocaust denial, it's a dishonest methodology of ignoring or twisting any evidence to fit what they believe.