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[deleted] t1_jazgb25 wrote



either-way t1_jb08r3b wrote

What tf are you on about? A 2,000 year old thing is an old thing.


[deleted] t1_jb0i5kk wrote



either-way t1_jb0kl6z wrote

20 generations? Buddy you are failing at basic math.

The instrument in the OP is of historical interest relating to a particular culture. Instruments from halfway around the world have little to do with it.


DeNir8 t1_jb10qbk wrote

You know what. Keep your rediculous kingdom.


either-way t1_jb15jri wrote

I honestly don’t understand what this comment is supposed to mean, or how it relates to anything else you said.

But I see that you’ve added a ridiculous spelling mistake to your egregious math error. And I’m supposed to believe that the guy who can’t divide or spell is some expert on the historical value of preserved artifacts?