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drogyn1701 t1_jc2ru4k wrote

I'm thinking of taking a trip to Pennsylvania this summer with the primary goal of seeing some historical sites. So far on my list is Gettysburg, Valley Forge and Braddock's Field. Possibly might also head north to the Watkins Glen area.

What are some other can't miss historical sites in Pennsylvania or nearby?


ArmoredSpearhead t1_jc7f34r wrote

I'd check out Antietam. I went Gettysburg, then Antietam basically back to back.


phillipgoodrich t1_jcju2ux wrote

Strictly speaking, Antietam is Maryland, not Pennsylvania, but in reasonable proximity. You probably know this.


Juliette1928 t1_jc96lyw wrote

Jim Thorpe is very cool. Also Scranton…maybe the coal mine