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NeighborhoodOk9039 t1_jcgpzce wrote

This is a great subsection to add. I recently purchased Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History, which i expect to be a great read. It has a 5 star rating on amazon which seems good


Another interesting thing i've read recently was a blog on the historical side of why we create new year's resolutions What is the Origin of the New Year's Resolution? I thought it was really cool, it apparently goes back to rome.


hope yall enjoy!


ImOnlyHereCauseGME t1_jckpbkw wrote

Empire of the Summer Moon was a fantastic read. As someone who was born and raised in Texas it was amazing to me how relatively recent all of that was as well.

Thanks for the New Year resolution info, really interesting. I knew that the calendar (January 1) starts the day the new Roman Consoles were sworn in, but had no idea about New Year resolutions.