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jpeeri t1_jcmqo2b wrote

Wasn’t there an Aldi as well that was built on top of some Viking ruins and they were on display in the supermarket?

Edit: it wasn’t Aldi. It was LIDL in Dublin


rolosmith123 t1_jcnfby8 wrote

That was one of the coolest things for me when I visited Italy/Greece. Can't remember which city but they'd have similar things like that. Coming from Canada, we don't have stuff that old. Closest I would be able to find age wise in my area would be tipi rings, everything else would have long since deteriorated being made of plant or animal material. And I don't even know if they'd be close to that old considering it's just a ring of rocks, not actual buildings haha


LobcockLittle t1_jcoez97 wrote

Same with here in Australia. The coolest artefacts i've seen are glass spearheads made from bottles that convicts/explorers (I assume) threw away.


Lindoriel t1_jcp1tf7 wrote

You guys have rock art that's thought to be up to 40,000 years old. That's pretty bloody impressive. Some of the oldest human art found in the world.


Koh-the-Face-Stealer t1_jcqlfeb wrote

One of my favourite tiny blink-and-you'll-miss spots like this is a completely unassuming building in eastern Chania in Crete, which is a Venetian storefront/apartment, built on top of a Classical foundation, with Minoan ruins in the deep basement that are on display to the street via glass and interpretive signage, that used to host a video game store and I think now is a smoke shop. It's just a fascinating layering of multiple millennia of history


Ochib t1_jct3e42 wrote

In Europe 100 miles is a long way, In the US 100 years is a long time


gsmitheidw1 t1_jcpyjo9 wrote

It's in Aungier Street, Dublin City. If I recall correctly you can go into it on Google Street View.


SpecialpOps t1_jcme680 wrote

The article says information about the site will be fully recorded. Does this mean that they are going to just collect data and then bury it over or tear it down and build a supermarket? What happens to this kind of stuff England?


Tobacco_Bhaji t1_jcmldg5 wrote

Unless it's in the middle of nowhere, it usually gets preserved where it is. So they uncover as much as they can, record everything they can about it, then preserve it right there and build a layer over it such that it can safely be built upon.

If they didn't do this, there'd be nowhere to live. I live in Gloucester along a stream. It is absolutely guaranteed that if we were to dig around under my house, there'd be artefacts of some sort.


SpecialpOps t1_jcmr19i wrote

That makes a lot of sense, thank you for taking the time to explain a bit about it. When I was younger, and my parents moved into what became their permanent home, it was on grounds that American Civil War was fought on.

People would dig for your gardens and find Civil War bullets and other artifacts that had just been strewn about the woods the neighborhood was built in.

I am a big fan of preserving the past, so it’s great that those sites are going to exist as they were left by previous cultures.


fonefreek t1_jcoggco wrote

Was it haunted?


SpecialpOps t1_jcohh6f wrote

That would have been really cool if there where interesting things happening but it was just a regular, old house.


WhoIsMauriceBishop t1_jcomc02 wrote

Couldn't help but notice you didn't exactly answer the question...

Why are you hoarding the ghosts?


SpecialpOps t1_jcoo14x wrote

Nothing to see here. Just move along…

(continues to play backgammon and drink bourbon with Civil War ghosts)


SeenSoFar t1_jcr5lpp wrote

What does a drunken ghost fight look like?


_PM_Me_Game_Keys_ t1_jcmpx2g wrote

Are artifacts not of much monetary value because there are so many? Like why not dig around or just not worth the effort.


Tobacco_Bhaji t1_jcmqoqk wrote

If you find something like this, it belongs to the state. You only get compensated on a strict schedule. The monetary value might very well be high, but there's nobody to sell it to other than the state ... who can only give you a fixed rate.


AnArgonianSpellsword t1_jcogm2s wrote

Well it depends on a lot of factors. For roman mosaics they were an expression of wealth, with wealthier individuals having both more of them and better quality ones. It's estimated that about 2000 were made in just the UK, of which 150 have been found. They're also difficult to move, as it's an entire concrete floor with the tiny coloured tiles stuck into it.


RandomUsername12123 t1_jcmp73z wrote

A lot of buildings decided to put some kind of glass over it and display it, it would be nice to see some sections of it while shopping


mit-mit t1_jcofsk0 wrote

In Chester there used to be a Spud-U-Like where you could just go downstairs and see a roman spa! Not signposted or anything but it was part of a roman history trail.


bjjadh t1_jcvhipr wrote

One day dear Maximus, our children’s children will be able to spa and get potatoes in the same place!! But for now we must bask in our loins without delicious root vegetables at our arms reach, until the sovereignty of Rome has the foresight to accept our planning permissions without stabbing someone in the back. - a Roman dreamer *probably


Amzy29 t1_jcmkska wrote

“Oxford Archaeology said that following consultations with Historic England and Milton Keynes Council, the mosaic has been preserved in situ.

It means materials have been placed over the brickwork to protect it, to allow construction to continue without causing damage.”


Johnnymi25 t1_jcmvp0r wrote

If they were to cart it away they’d probably have to bag it themselves.



Victor_C t1_jcn56i9 wrote

I hope they do what they did in Italy when McDonald’s uncovered a Roman road while construction of a new restaurant. In that case they uncovered all they could and then put glass over it.


DMMMOM t1_jcnykdc wrote

Near me they found a Roman villa when excavating for a housing estate. They documented it and built over it.


ForgettableUsername t1_jcnjpbc wrote

They found Richard III under a car park. It’s jarring from a historical standpoint, but ancient people lived in places that are currently inhabited.


handsomehares t1_jcnpl68 wrote

Right, just woulda expected the king to have been able to afford a better flat than one by a car park.



MinnieShoof t1_jcqf7sm wrote

Funny, I'd've thought it would've been Prince Albert in a can.


extrobe t1_jcnbmg8 wrote

This is my hometown. This is basically going to re-burried to allow the supermarket to be built. Tragic waste in my opinion.

Residents are gobsmacked there’s not going to be any option to view it. Silver lining is that it’s not going to be just ripped up and destroyed, I guess.

Fun fact: Olney is also the same little town where the hymn Amazing Grace was written by John Newton when he lived there.


meekamunz t1_jcoawt7 wrote

Hello fellow Olneyite! I'm surprised the town isn't in uproar over the fact that this isn't a Waitrose!

Also, don't forget the other claim to fame: this is where the Pancake race originated


fonefreek t1_jcogmyf wrote

I'm not racist but that sounds like a superior race if you ask me


Zumb_3041 t1_jcqqc0x wrote

Another one here! I thought I was the only one.


meekamunz t1_jcskoyf wrote

Well I don't live there any more, but I grew up there. Spring Lane represent!


extrobe t1_jd9z3m5 wrote

haha, I also grew up on Spring Lane! (Bottom half), but also don't live in Olney anymore.


meekamunz t1_jdac8gu wrote

You and me both. Right near the bottom I was, but no longer in Olney


zgembo1337 t1_jcoh9u3 wrote

I live in ljubljana, which used to be an old roman town many years ago.

Half a city is built on roman remains, which means that every construction project will be delayed for many months. Major road closed for a few weeks to replace the sewer pipes below it? Nope, three+ months of archeologists with brushes looking at stones first. Was the road and the pipes replaced 20, 30 years ago? Yep. And 30 years before that? Also yep. Did they brush every stone back then? Yes they did. Will they do it again? Sure.


cgvet9702 t1_jcmqcok wrote

I saw this episode of Detectorists. It was heartbreaking.


dumperking t1_jcq4rku wrote

Yup, crazy the picture even looks like the scenes from the show.


mynameisalso t1_jcog9oq wrote

>Oxford Archaeology said that following consultations with Historic England and Milton Keynes Council, the mosaic has been preserved in situ.

>It means materials have been placed over the brickwork to protect it, to allow construction to continue without causing damage.

I don't know this was even an option. But makes sense. I wonder how long until it's lost then rediscovered.


SilverHoard t1_jcoj24i wrote

Makes me wonder why they didn't find anything during the initial construction of the Aldi or the roads around it. Surely they should have come across something. I wonder how many historical sites are never uncovered because builders literally choose to bury it to avoid their projects being delayed or cancelled.


McCretin t1_jcp47o5 wrote

Can’t believe Milton Keynes is trying to muscle in on the south of England’s Roman mosaic scene. St Albans used to have that on lock!


DrOrpheus3 t1_jcpw6xz wrote

Soooo.....they're just gonna re-cover the archeology find with more crap, and forget about it...because supermarket???


OJimmy t1_jcqjaob wrote

Aldi always has some unexpected treasure. Did you guys see the $10 wind breaker? Stylish