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penislmaoo t1_jd1asx0 wrote

So I am learning abt the history of the Barbaries pirates. And in classI learned abt the baños for slaves in class and how there was bars in the baños. And the professor said that they became like social centers for Muslims as well as the Christian’s that lived there.

Which is suprising because those were slave quarters! For the Christian slaves! But my professor made it seem like ordinary Muslims would just pull up and grab a glass too!

So that got me wondering. Assuming my professor was correct, what was the interaction between those two groups like? Cuz the Christian’s in slavery had a relatively nice time of things in the baño compared to what thier own people were doing to more southern Africans. And it’s so bizzare that there would be communal centers for both Christian slaves and Muslim citizens! But there also SLAVES!

So yeah. We’re the baño bars segregated? Was it mostly ex-euro barbaries that visited the baños? Was there fights? Did each group keep to themselves? Or was things just chillin? Did they make friends across the aisle? So many questions.