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Roushfan5 t1_jdew9ck wrote

The college I work for a has a cadaver lab for the med students. It was a sudden and uncomfortable reminder of my own mortality when I watched them unload the bodies one morning.


Theletterkay t1_jdg7683 wrote

I knew I couldnt handle med school the first time I saw the manhandling of a cadaver. I just cant view a body like that objectively. I know they consented, but it still feels like a violation cutting into them.


WingedLady t1_jdgl84y wrote

I was able to handle bones of various ages in an osteology lab and looking at plenty of pictures of cadavers while studying anatomy on my own time, until I came across one that looked like my husband.

That was a hard nope.

Any plans for studying forensics went out the window pretty quick after that.


mememuseum t1_jdg7zfm wrote

I took some biology courses in college. I got to dissect a cat, but one day they showed us the cadavers and I got to hold a human brain.

It was a surreal and humbling experience. To hold that and know that it once contained all of a persons hopes, dreams, and experiences.


theochocolate t1_jdgl2gb wrote

I loved my biopsychology class in college. My professor labeled the parts of actual human brains and let us hold one. It was quite's difficult to describe the feeling. They're so small.