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BarKnight OP t1_iqyr5qa wrote

>Archaeologists in Israel say 44 pure gold coins dating to the 7th Century have been found hidden in a wall at a nature reserve

That it's been in a wall for well over 1000 years, makes me hopeful that there is still plenty of history out there to be found.


_Mechaloth_ t1_iqzntee wrote

Especially in Japan, there are tenth and eleventh century troves of Buddhist sutras and guardian figurines that had been buried across the archipelago by monks who thought Buddhism was entering an age of decline. Many have been discovered, but it’s not improbable that there are still more out there.


[deleted] t1_ir0btr8 wrote



[deleted] t1_ir0p5fi wrote



digitelle t1_ir0wblp wrote

And mexico/latin American. So much of it is covered in trees.


ChristopherDuntsch t1_ir1vyfl wrote

I hope to hear and see many more discoveries like this, they are such interesting views into the past.


jordantask t1_iqzzlib wrote

There is.

It was common for people who were about to be raided or invaded to bury valuables (especially coin) to prevent the invaders getting it.


LesterKingOfAnts t1_ir0441r wrote

Oh, there is. I read recently that only 20% of ancient documents (hundreds of thousands, have been translated and studied. It is also estimated that 80% of ancient documents have been lost forever.


ImportantCommentator t1_ir05kg0 wrote

But if 80% are lost forever wouldn't 20%. By the same as 100%?


Bartsimho t1_ir0atbq wrote

It is 20% of the full 100% but 80% of 80% lost.


FIGHT_ALEX t1_ir0cq02 wrote

This happens 60% of the time


Mczern t1_ir0ku4w wrote

It's been long believed that the Mayans were the original creators of Sex Panther. Unfortunately the recipe and historical records were believed to be buried in order to protect them against the Spanish.


TroutFishingInCanada t1_ir0nux7 wrote

The Aztec knockoff, Fornication Jaguar, is… okay.


Arkanslayer t1_ir3clms wrote

Then we only have 16% left to discover. That doesn't sound as cool.


Fidodo t1_ir05lzx wrote

That's it? I'd imagine it'd be much more that have been destroyed.


G1trogFr0g t1_ir0c0ps wrote

Yes, but how much is smut, random ramblings of a students? Imagine somebody archiving all of Reddit as if anybody would want to study this message


stickybobcat t1_ir0cmot wrote

Tell that to the fisherman's wife (pearl diver)


Risley t1_ir0jalx wrote

Oh I did, I leaned over a bit and ripped a massive fart. In my tongue, she got the whole diatribe.


idcidcidc666420 t1_ir3sf7z wrote

sure, that existed, but a ton was valuable. there was a huge amount of actual valuable Iiterature and scientific work at. for instance, the library of Alexandria and there are 100s of other similar instances.

tons of historical documents and government documents have been destroyed in fires over the years, especially in the 1800s. even in the modern day, huge archives of historical documents continue to burn up, such as in Brazil a couple years ago.


idcidcidc666420 t1_ir3r3bu wrote

on top of that a lot are hoaxes or of otherwise questionable origin. quite a bit of what was once thought certain is not and there are a lot more hoaxes that haven't been found. there's a surprising amount of possible unknowns in our history- things that we think of as certain


LesterKingOfAnts t1_ir5fbkf wrote

That's interesting. I had never given too much thought about how hoaxes over the centuries could become thought of as "real history".


banterviking t1_ir0l3bb wrote

Dude don't worry - every 20 seconds, an Italian trips over a newly discovered ruin. Statistically, one did in the time it took me to say this!


MihoWigo t1_ir2z7c3 wrote

Our tour guide in Rome was an archeology student. He said anytime they try and put in a subway system they find ancient stuff during the tunnel boring, which shuts down the construction indefinitely. He said he didn’t think they’d ever get an efficient subway in the city for this reason.


felplanhalva t1_ir0qwml wrote

Oh there is. Most of the structures we find (note: find, we find new sites every year) are buried underground because of dirt accumulation and natural growth of nature.

Not even the Great Sphinx, which is massive, was above ground. Even some pyramids in Egypt had to be excavated.

We find new things every year, even in Egypt (one of the most researched sites in the world).


Dassiell t1_ir2h348 wrote

I mean i guess if they werent buried we also wouldnt really need to “find” them.


jalif t1_ir02t7e wrote

Every time they dig in the middle east they find history.


boonxeven t1_ir1c89y wrote

I'd bet there's at least 1 more history to be found.


Cyanopicacooki t1_ir1e1sm wrote

Go to YouTube and look up "Time Team Classics" - this was a TV series from about 20 years ago that ran for a decade about archeological digs in Britain, one of the most heavily dug countries in the world. Every time they dug, they found something new - as Calvin said "There's treasure everywhere!"