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froginbog t1_iqzf3pu wrote

I wonder what tragedy led to it being stashed there and never retrieved


doctorwhomafia t1_iqzijlr wrote

7th Century Palestine, would be roughly around the time when the Arabs conquered the area from the Greco-Romans.

So my guess maybe someone tried hiding the coins so they wouldn't be looted. Hard to say the exact reason. But the owner most likely died or left to never return


flyinggazelletg t1_iqziryb wrote

Friendly reminder to read the articles posted, bc it answers your question within the first couple of sentences. Also, it’s extremely short.

Before reading the article, I was assuming the Arab invasion of the Eastern Roman Empire or the Roman/Byzantine reconquest of their eastern and southern territories from the Persians were most likely. After reading the article, it seems experts have pegged the Arab invasion as the likeliest explanation, which makes sense.

Decades of war weakened the Byzantines and the Sassanid Persians, allowing the previously relatively minor Arab tribes to conquer the entirety of the Persian Empire and much of the Eastern Roman Empire (although, the Roman/Byzantine state would survive for another 800 years til 1453).


[deleted] t1_iqznfq6 wrote



HermanCainsGhost t1_ir1j4lu wrote

Either the Byzantine-Persian war, or the Arab conquest would be my guess. Those would have been the two major conflicts in the region in the 7th century.