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Tetrix121 t1_ir7dvml wrote

Any recommendations for a comprehensive book about the habsburgs from rise to fall?

Also whats the recommended book about the franco-prussian war?


Stalins_Moustachio t1_ir7osdx wrote

Hey there! I really enjoyed The Habsburgs: To Rule the World by Martyn Rady.


Tetrix121 t1_ir9van2 wrote

Thanks, Will check it Out!


Froakiebloke t1_ireia12 wrote

Martyn Rady also did a book on the Habsburg Empire in Oxford University Press’s ‘Very Short Introduction’ series which might be worth checking out


jormungandr9 t1_iroge1t wrote

Reading this one right now as I’m a long time Austrophile. It’s fantastic.


No-Strength-6805 t1_ir8ct2w wrote

Robert A Kann "The Habsburgs:1526-1918"

Geoffrey Wawro or Michael Howard on Franco-Prussian war