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andii74 t1_itz5c50 wrote

Reply to comment by nthw1 in Fall of the East India Company by Vailhem

What's fascinating is that it was one of the first mega corporation and till now the most powerful one to exist as well. At its peak it had one of the largest armies under its command and ruled vast stretches of land.


BobbyP27 t1_iu0gzjy wrote

A similar, sibling company, the Hudson Bay Company, ruled much of Canada, though with nothing like the military side of things, and still exists today as a chain of department stores.


SoLetsReddit t1_iu2wygx wrote

Oh the HBC financed and took part in plenty of wars and fighting in Canada didn’t they?


SeleucusNikator1 t1_iu7loi7 wrote

There's also the Dutch VOC who operated in Indonesia, and whose market value actually exceeded the British EIC.


AgoraiosBum t1_iuj7eij wrote

When young students learn about modern corporate malfeasance, a historian can only chuckle; they don't have anything on the old corporations like the EIC or VOC.