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Akkismat t1_iu1wqky wrote

Reply to comment by bw1985 in Fall of the East India Company by Vailhem

I was busy with an answer to the other deleted post. But have the game also, as a person of Indian descent. It is, for me personally, not about glorifying colonial past and its dark pages. Rather I try to use this game to teach and learn about history and the (very abstract) mechanics, be it economic, social or militarily. Thats why I like most Pax games, as it gives IMO a honest view of history.There are games that perhaps downgrade colonial past Puerto Rico, Colonialism , but I always give a honest view of the history concerned when playing with my kids, family or friends.


Hairy_Air t1_iu4egcy wrote

Yup, another person of Indian descent but never played the game. I did play a lot of Total War and one of the titles had Europe, India and North America in the 18th century. It was morbidly fun invading my country as the Brits and in a layer gameplay invading the Brit Isles as the Maratha Confederacy.