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JumboJetz t1_iuy4msh wrote

Not sure how masturbation is less stigmatized for men than women when womens sex toys are ubiquitous and on billboards. I’d hazard to guess most women in their 20s own a masturbation toy while I’d say an extreme minority of men own a masturbation toy.


EchoesInTheAbyss t1_iuyvkh8 wrote

sigh idk, when you are called "dirty", "slutty", "careful, you will give boys the wrong idea" etc on the regular, even for non-sexual things one tends to be wary in discussing/exploring our sexual lives. Not too mention the role of religion in blaming women for "getting kicked out of paradise", "dishonoring the family" etc.


JumboJetz t1_iuywjjv wrote

This has nothing to do with the fact that many women seem content to have satisfying masturbation lives aided by toys. Potentially a majority of young single women who live alone probably own a masturbation toy I would guess. So yes many women do feel comfortable with that even if some don’t explore sexuality in other ways on the masturbation side women seem to have gotten rid of most hangups.


EchoesInTheAbyss t1_iuyxp17 wrote

The key is the word "majority", which is actually untrue.

Maybe the "majority" of the very few women you have interacted and are willing to discuss this with you. But not necessarily the 51% of the population at large.