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WhoPaul t1_ivoyl57 wrote

Any good books on the history of the automotive industry and maybe how it links to society? Preferably in a not-usa context. Currently enjoying Cars for Comrades by Lewis Siegelbaum and also Michael Edwards’ biography Back From The Brink.


ideonode t1_ivpbvec wrote

Tom Standage recently wrote a book called A Brief History of Motion. This covers, broadly, our attempte to travel fast on wheels, ranging from the earliest carts and chariots through to self driving vehicles. It has a particular focus on cars, and in particular, the social aspects of automobiles. Highly recommended.

Being honest, Standage is an excellent writer of narratives on the social history of technology. I recommend all that he's written.


elmonoenano t1_ivpnz3f wrote

You might be interested in The High and the Mighty. It's more recent, about the boom in SUVs at the end of the 90s. It came out right before gas prices spiked in the mid 2000s. It ends with a bunch of questions that kind of got delayed b/c of the high gas prices, but are relevant again.

The part you might like about it is it looks at how the design eased insecurities in society and played into certain ideas of toughness/ruggedness but also sort of addressed women's desires that had been ignored up until then that were positive in one way, but still used safety standards that basically ignored women and had negative impacts in other ways.