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TARANTULA_TIDDIES t1_iw3qb2x wrote

That is extremely uncommon in the US because coins before 1964 had silver in them and multiple generations of people have combed through lots of change to pull out the silver ones. I for example went through 500$ worth of quarters and found exactly 0 silver ones.


fantasmoofrcc t1_iw3ubb9 wrote

Silver in Canadian coins was phased out in 1922 for nickels and 1968 for dimes/quarters/half-dollars/dollars. u/Carbon_60 may be talking about Canadian coins. Numismatics is neat!


nullrout1 t1_iw51lbn wrote

Nickels don't contain silver. Spoiler alert: they contain nickel.

ETA: apparently during WWII they had 35% silver because nickel was in high demand for the war efforts.


anewbys83 t1_iw45q4m wrote

The mint also withdrew many of them in a couple years.